Addiction & Recovery Resources
Before arriving at Oxford House™, residents average 6 attempts at sobriety. Many have also experienced homelessness or incarceration related to their addiction. This is why it takes a community response to help a loved one overcome addiction. The following organizations offer valuable resources related to addiction and recovery. Click a logo to visit each website for more information.
Free Resource Downloads
Read these free guides courtesy of, an organization dedicated to empowering people with resources and tools they need to start or continue on their journey of recovery from substance abuse. aims to improve sleep hygiene, health and wellness through the creation and dissemination of comprehensive, unbiased, free resources. Check out these guides related to improving sleep without habit-forming medication:

“My daughter, Lindsay, is an Oxford House alumnus. I didn’t think she’d live to be 30, but once she decided to go to Oxford House, she embraced it and has been successful! Lindsay is not only alive, she is also working in a career she loves. She continues to be involved in Oxford House activities and has been a sponsor to others. I truly believe Lindsay would not be alive today and living her best life without Oxford House. ”